Kami Menerima Pesanan Karikatur, editing photo,desain karakter kartun,dalam format cat air,pensil,marker, dan karikatur dengan background illusion painting (Hand painting - Original), dll.dan kami membuat karikatur bukan hanya untuk tujuan komersial semata tapi lebih pada kecintaan pada karikatur! (agus yang selalu budisantoso)
..dengan foto yang detail dan karakter wajah yang kuat maka hasil dari gambarnya juga bisa maksimal.. jadi foto yang mau di jadikan referensi juga harus detail sukur-sukur kalau angle wajah sesuai dengan konsep catatan foto yang yang di pake referensi gambar lebih bagus kalo jepretan asli belum di edit alias di "putihkan","di muluskan" apa lagi di rubah2 warnanya foto dengan agle atau sudut menunduk ala "chibi" paling susah di kerjakan untuk tema lebih baik "detailnya" di serahkan seniman nya saja agar lebih bisa menyesuaikan expresi dari angle foto referensi... kalau di minta merubah bentuk dasar wajah misalnya bulat , menjadi lonjong..gemuk menjadi langsing beresiko pada penurunan tingkat kemiripan... tinkat kemiripan tertinggi yang bisa saya jamin 80% kalo mau 100% lebih baik order foto editing saja..
sementara itu dulu kalau belum jelas silahkan tanya langsung ke 085769227220 I 54440353 dengan Mbak Alim atau Mas Agus atau chat fb : alimmarfaatun atau agusbudisantoso79
Monday, December 13, 2010
steven wijaya_SURABAYA
Mas saya mau bikin Karikatur buat kado Ultha
1. background bisa di liat di file "lala (22)" ada kayak gambar ikan2 gitu ndak harus mirip seperti
itu pokoknya serba lucu2 kalo kurang pas ya ndak usah terserah mas agus cocoknya
2. tangan kiri memegang kue tar diatasnya ada angka 21 tahun, tangan kanan memegang
HP blackberry
3. pakek Kacamata baca bukan kacamata hitam (bila terasa lebih keren)
4. bawa tas yg di selempangkan pakek celana jeans baju putih
seperti foto yg ada patung BUDHA nya.
5. memakai kalung seperti foto diatas yg di MacDonald itu.
6. sampai kaki keliatan
bila ada yg kurang pas tolong kabari saya mas agus.....makasih atas......
Mas saya mau pesan karikatur couple
Konsepnya : Yang Laki-laki menggenakan sarung dan
baju taqwa sementara
yang perempuan mengenakan jilbab.
Backgroudnya : Gunung Bromo ada Loggo NASDEM
Mereka ini tokoh NASDEM sebagai BUPATI PROBOLINGGO
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Dear Mas Agus,
Mas Agus saya YUANITA PRABANINGRUM yang pernah pesen karikatur sama mas
saya mau pesan karikatur lagi, kali ini untuk kado perpisahan teman saya, berikut rinciannya ya
Nama : Bertha
Pekerjaan : guru kelas 2 SD
Karakter : pintar, penyayang dan ceria
Background: kelas dengan suasana pesta perpisahan
Baju : seragam seperti di foto (kemeja warna ungu muda dengan ves hitam, celana panjang hitam)
Detail :
1. kurang lebih gambar kelasnya seperti contoh gambar yang saya lampirkan ya mas
2. warnanya lebih ke warna2 yg ceria
3. di papan tulis ada tulisan "We love you Teacher Bertha"
with love,
Grade 2
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Hello Agus,
many thanks for the new style of the caricature! The new caricature is simply perfect!! So the first part of our deal is completed!
Here is a short review of our deal (total XX USD):
- girl and baby caricature in A4 (full color with theme) – XX USD
- 1 person in A3 (full color with background) – XX USD
- 4 persons in A4 (full color without background) – XX USD
Is it ok for you to send me the caricature as high quality scan without the stamps via e-mail? Original caricatures after that with post!
I had a look as WesternUnion, I’m checking if a standard international bank transfer has less charges! Do you know IBAN and BIC-Codes for bank transfers? Could you tell me the details of your bank account in Indonesia where I could transfer the money to?
I would like to make some changes on our deal (only little changes of course)!
Attached you can find three images! If you have a look on IMG_0316.JPG, this is me and my family! It would be great if you could make a caricature from us without background! Style of the clothes like on the photo! We had a deal for this caricature in A4, I think it would be better if you could make it in A3! Of course full color, but still no background!
If you have a look on ARB_DA.JPG, this is the person of the last caricature (full color with background in A3)! The picture DSC00122.JPG shows the background of this caricature! The building was built by the man on picture ARB_DA.JPG! Please give him a dark pullover and a blue jeans! Maybe he could stand beside the building and shows his thumbs up!
Because you have already done the first caricature of the boy and the girl (with the palm tree), would you be so kind and make this part of the deal! Only a high quality scan without the stamps via e-mail?
Because of some little changes I hope it would be ok for you if we make a total of XX USD (including shipping for the originals)!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!
So many thanks!!!
Hope to hear from you soon!
Bye, Wolfgang
thanks for your E-Mail-Address!
Attached you can find two pictures! Actually I would be interessted in five caricatures from you! But for the other three the concept is not ready at the moment! But at first, I would like to know how much you want for one of your caricatures and the details about payment and so on!
The pictures attached are a present for a very good girlfriend of mine! There are two pictures of her and her baby! Your caricature of both pictures should be in A4!
From the style oft he caricature, of course in full color, like for example the one of your pictures you can find as attachement!
I did a lot of thinking what background would be great! I was hoping you would have an idea! Maybe it looks great if we keep it simple! Of course it should look nice, you know, mother and kid, maybe blue sky, something happy and beautiful! Hope you have got some ideas!
At first, please make me an offer how much you want for these two caricatures!
Payment details and so on! In US-Dollar and with Paypal would be the easiest way for me!
How do I get the picture? As JPEG would be fine!
Many thanks, Wolfgang
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
NURINA_Jakarta Timur
Mas saya mau bikin karikatur kayak punyanya TJENG MELY LINDA
Konsepnya dia seorang direktur medis
Background belakang meja tulis kantor plus lap top persis kaya tjeng meylinda
hanya nama diganti omni hospital pulomas..
trus ditambahin kata kata sukses selalu dr marijana dimana pun dokter berada-GBU from : Rina,Anna,Gamma,Lusi
- mas foto terlampir dr marijana no 3 dari kanan yg tinggi. Thanks
Syahru Wardi_BanjarMasin
Mas tolong buatkan karikatur yang konsepnya buat pernikahan, soalnya mau saya buat untuk dicetak pada undangan pernikahan.
Pakaiannya klo bisa pakaian adat banjarmasin (kalimantan selatan), calon istri saya kan pake jilbab jd ditambah selendang panjang seperti yg terlampir.
Untuk warna kami ingin putih (pakaian dan celana) sedangkan untuk selendangnya kami ingin biru cerah seperti gambar yg terlampir.
Backgroundnya kalo bisa ada rumah adat banjarnya jg ya mas dan ada pasar terapungnya. pokoknya banjar banget deh mas.
Saya percaya kreatifitas mas dh pokoknya. apabila kurang jelas hubungi saya aja mas